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This JavaScript and HTML5 course features the JavaScript language, from language fundamentals to dynamic interactions with browsers, DOM, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, REST, AJAX, WebSocket, and jQuery. This course includes several demos for the student to hack in each lesson.


  • Create and run an HTML5 applications in NetBeans
  • Write JavaScript code to use variables, objects, functions and arrays
  • Write JavaScript functions for HTML5 events
  • Manipulate HTML5 elements through DOM
  • Use the JavaScript API
  • Store objects by using the JSON API, Cookies, and Local Storage
  • Style HTML documents with CSS3
  • Use Media Queries and media data to adapt the web page to different screen sizes
  • Create closures, prototypes, and modules in JavaScript
  • Create a Canvas, intervals, Drag and Drop interactions, and implement mouse gestures in HTML5
  • Use AJAX to consume RESTful Web Services
  • Identify the required Back-End technologies for REST and WebSocket with Java EE7
  • Use Selectors and DOM manipulators to handle documents with jQuery
  • Handle events and AJAX server responses with jQuery


  • Introduction
  • Web Application Essentials
  • JavaScript Fundamentals
  • Combining HTML5 and JavaScript in Web Applications
  • The JavaScript API
  • Web Application Data
  • Style Applications Using CSS3 and JavaScript
  • Advanced JavaScript
  • AJAX and WebSocket
  • Developing Applications with JQuery

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Oracle Java
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